Tamworth Field

Tamworth is managed as wetland rather than a pond.  It's only source of water is run off from the surrounding area. The addition of chlorinated water would be detrimental to the wildlife within the pond also, due to vandalism of the liner, it would not hold the water for long.

The ephemeral  nature of the water level gives rise to a diversity of species and it is these species we hope to manage. The old liner retains a certain amount of moisture during the dry periods which allows the marsh species to grow. To enhance the biodiversity of the site we seeded it in 2010 with marsh plants (see list below)  many of which will grow in damp ground but will not tolerate long periods of submersion during the growing season. Most of these species are perrenials and will take a couple of years to estabulish.
Common Name
Species Name
Bedstraw, Hedge
Galium mollugo
White / Cream
Bird's Foot Trefoil, Greater
Lotus uliginosus
Buttercup Meadow
Ranunculus acris
Campion, Red
Silene dioica
Figwort, Common
Scrophularia nodosa
Green / Brown
Lycopus europaeus
Hard Rush
Juncus inflexus
Green / Brown
Hemp Agrimony
Eupatorium cannabinum
Pink / Mauve
Iris, Yellow Flag
Iris pseudacorus
Loosestrife, Purple
Lythrum salicaria
Purplish Red
Marsh Woundwort
Stachys palustris
Pale Pink
Filipendula ulmaria
Pale Cream
Pendulous Sedge
Carex pendula
Green / Brown
Ragged Robin
Lychnis flos-cuculi
Pinkish Red
Scabious, Devil's-Bit
Succisa pratensis
Violet Blue
Prunella vulgaris
Violet Blue
Achillea ptarmica
St John's-Wort, Square Stalked
Hypericum tetrapterum
Pale Yellow
Water Avens
Geum rivale
Red - Brown
Wild Angelica
Angelica sylvestris